10 Employee Appreciation Ideas for Your Company | Tasty Catering Skip to main content

10 Employee Appreciation Ideas for Your Company

Employee being recognized by her boss at work

It is always important to make sure that your employees know how much you appreciate their hard work and efforts.  After all, those individuals are what keep you and your business going strong.  If you are looking for a few unique ways to express your gratitude, try any of these 10 employee appreciation ideas.

1) Fall-themed Coffee Break

Employee appreciation at its finest, provide your entire staff with a coffee break filled with fall-themed or autumn flavored pastries, coffees, teas and more.  Decorate the event room with fall-themed decorations (flowers, tablecloths, pumpkins in the corner, the works) and be sure to have the boss give a speech.

Coffee cup with pumpkin spice written on it on a table with pumpkins and fall leaves

2) Gift Baskets

Gift baskets go a long way when trying to show someone how much you care, which means your employees will love receiving one to represent your gratitude.  Best of all, gift baskets have come a long way from the old school soaps and lotions or compilations of fruit.  Give your employees gifts filled with confections, bakery items and more, and truly show how much you care.

3) Appreciation Dinner

Cater an event to remember in honor of your employees and all that they do for your company.  Host a gala, complete with fancy clothes, plenty of elegant decorations and a delicious menu of excellently prepared delectable treats.  Speeches and toasts must be held, as well, and a night of dinner and dancing will drive the “thank you for your hard work” focus home.

4) Donations to Charities

If your group has philanthropic efforts in its core, making a donation in the name of your employees is a great way to show how much you care.  Donate to employees’ favorite causes, to a cause your group particularly loves or to a cause you hope to further, and do so in the name of your staff.  Reveal the donation to your employees and make sure you remind them that it was due to their hard work.

multiple hands coming together to hold a heart

5) Backyard Bash

Maybe not in an actual backyard, but a picnic event for employees, spouses and children will be a great way to show how much you appreciate them.  Host a big outdoor celebration before it gets too chilly, with big tents, tons of food, plenty of games and inflatables and more.  Fun for the whole family, and in the name of employee appreciation.

Hotdogs, cheese burgers and pineapple slices on the grill

6) Holidays on Non-holidays

If possible, reward your staff with a shortened schedule for a day, or a day off completely.  A small break from the everyday chaos is a great way to show employees that you truly care about them and are grateful.  If shutting down the office does not seem like a great idea, schedule days off or half-days in shifts, allowing a certain portion of the staff to take the afternoon or day off at a time.

7) Gift cards

A simple gift card goes a long way to help employees understand how much they mean to you.  Give out gift cards to your employees, allowing them to receive services, goods or food items from local restaurants, gas stations, grocery stores, florist and more.

Black rectangular gift card with gift card written in gold

8) Cocktail Hour

Your employees will love getting together after work for cocktails and finger foods in a fun and work-family-focused environment.  Have department heads give speeches regaling staff with their praises, have the boss thank everyone from the bottom up and allow employees the opportunity to thank their bosses and supervisors as well.

Business people standing around with cocktail glasses in their hands

9) Bonuses

Nothing says “thank you for your hard work” better than a bonus!  This allows employees to do what they want with the gift, putting it toward something they need or want.  Your employees will understand that you are happy to have them on staff, and you will be giving a gift that shows how grateful you are.

10) Appreciation from Above

Have higher ups from all around the company submit their words of gratitude, being sure to cite specific examples and give kudos to particular departments or individuals.  Compile all of the information and hand it out in the form of a poster, greeting card, mini booklet, etc. so that all employees can have a copy.  These will provide first praise and acknowledgment, and second an employee appreciation memento to keep forever.

Employee being recognized by her boss at work

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