Sunday, June 29th marked the third annual Tasty Catering pool party.
Tasty Catering celebrates each quarter together as a family, and this quarter the Tasty family took to the pool for some tailgating and fun.
This particular quarterly party was a special one for everyone in the company because it was a true family affair. All employees, children, spouses and significant others were invited for some great food and activities.
The afternoon began in the Elk Grove Village Rainbow Falls parking lot for a good old fashioned tailgate. Families and friends gathered around their cars while Larry Walter manned the grill preparing hotdogs and burgers for everyone.
After dinner, the kids busted open a piñata and scrambled for candy and prizes. Then the whole gang paraded into the pool area to splash around for a few hours inside Rainbow Falls.
It was a casual, fun and family-oriented celebration and was enjoyed by all! These photos give you a little insight into our party, and even more event photos (from this and plenty of other Tasty events) can be found on Facebook.